Megastar Chiranjeevi's upcoming film 'Acharya'. It is being helmed by blockbuster director Koratala Siva. Mega Power star Ram Charan too will be seen in a crucial role in the film. Even though majority of the shooting was completed before lock down period, the makers did not come up with any update.
But yesterday, they announced that the first look and motion poster of the film will be revealed on the occasion of Chiru's birthday which is on August 22nd. They even released a pre-look poster to announce the same.
Initially Koratala Siva has also planned to release a small teaser on the same day. He even made a rough cut for it. However Chiru did not agree with this decision.
The reason for this is not known but may be he felt it will be enough to release just first look and motion poster on that day. As there are many special days before the movies gets released he might thought to release one at a time.
The movie unit are looking for summer 2021 release.
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But yesterday, they announced that the first look and motion poster of the film will be revealed on the occasion of Chiru's birthday which is on August 22nd. They even released a pre-look poster to announce the same.
Initially Koratala Siva has also planned to release a small teaser on the same day. He even made a rough cut for it. However Chiru did not agree with this decision.
The reason for this is not known but may be he felt it will be enough to release just first look and motion poster on that day. As there are many special days before the movies gets released he might thought to release one at a time.
The movie unit are looking for summer 2021 release.
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