Srimanthudu Continues Successfully For 3rd Week In US

Srimanthudu has been a tremedeous success and continues to run very successfully in the US for the 3rd week. Nearing the 3M dollars milestone mark in US within two weeks of its grand opening. 

The movie attracted a vast amount of family audience especially women and children with a repeat audience. Grandparents enjoyed the movie so much that they made it a point to take their Grandkids to watch it along with them. 

Producers stopped at no plugs and went all out without any compromises with the publicity of the movie. Marketing Techniques (Public Sites such as Face book, Twitter...) and the strategies followed by Namrata Mahesh yielded fantastic one of a kind results that made Srimanthudu the only movie without any piracy. 

We are screening the movie for a third super successful week in US with reduced ticket prices, so that family audience can enjoy the experience of Srimanthudu again and again.

Press note released by: IndianClicks, LLC

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